The history of Chinese medicine can be traced back to 4,000 years ago. As time progressed, Chinese medicine developed its own unique and thorough system of diagnosis and treatment. It has been practiced in Chinese societies and Asian countries long before Western medicine was introduced. Chinese medicine and Western medicine are considered to be the two most widely practiced medicines in the world today.
In ancient Chinese history, there were several outbreaks of epidemic disease that threatened to kill the whole population of China – if it were not for Chinese medicine, Chinese culture would no longer be around.
One main concept of Chinese medicine is prevention – an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Before the biochemical test results indicate issues, people should start taking care of their health. Chinese medicine has the ability to alter your discomfort even while the biochemical tests are within the normal range. In fact it is essential that treatment be involved at this stage. This prevents health from the deterioration that leads to the results falling out of the normal range.
Another major concept of Chinese medicine is balance. Any symptom that occurs is considered to be due to poor function of organs and/or systems that leads to imbalance of their interaction. A well-trained Chinese medicine practitioner can treat a local problem while keeping a delicate balance of the whole body.
Respect for nature and our bodies is another important concept in Chinese medicine. Our bodies are the most amazing creations, just like our universe. Because they have all the self-healing mechanisms built in, we do not replace or suppress our bodies’ natural healing function. Instead we clear/open the pathways in our bodies to create an environment for our bodies to heal. This practice helps prevent a tremendous amount of unnecessary toxin buildup or wounds in our bodies. It certainly improves the quality of life for people and helps re-gain that peaceful and balanced state of mind that people deserve to have.

About My Practice
My practice of Chinese medicine is dedicated in loving memory of my father Chen, Chen-Tao. He encouraged me to study Chinese medicine to help more people. However, before this clinic was opened, he had an acute myocardial infarction and passed away in Taiwan at the age of 80. Being unable to help my own father becomes my biggest regret in life and thus the inspiration in my practice.
— Hedy Chen
About Dr. Hedy Chen
- DAOM, Licensed Acupuncturist (TXAC01215), NCCAOM
- World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS) 世界中醫藥學會聯合會 – Council Member of Special Committee of Clinical Research for Ancient Classical Formulas
- National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine – Subject Matter Expert of Acupuncture with Point Location Examination Content Development Committee
In studying Chinese medicine, I realize this ancient medicine can do so much more than what the general public knows! Being a Chinese that was born and brought up in Taiwan, I have the passion to help more people regain health by using this medicine from my culture. I recognize that if I want to learn this medicine well, I must learn from the best doctors. I am proud to say that during my academic years, I followed many world-class doctors of Chinese medicine. Their specialties include orthopedics, gynecology, oncology, and internal medicine. I have also observed and received training in Kaohsiung Municipal Chinese Medical Hospital in Taiwan and Zhejiang Chinese Medical University in China.
Besides spending numerous hours learning the most effective concepts of treating pain and the associated ideas of helping people regain the balance of their body structure, I also attract many patients that benefit from my emotional support because of my understanding quality. This not only inspires my patients but also helps me to show my real essence – being a natural counselor and healer.
To see my patients get well makes me much happier than seeing them come back endlessly! A lot of my work in the clinic is spent in educating my patients how to avoid symptoms from reoccurring. So to help me look good, you will need to do your part to be compliant and take care of yourselves!
The time when I am not at work, I like to travel, paint, spend time with my husband and cats, garden, listen to music and watch movies. Art is my passion. I actually treat every patient of mine like a piece of art – hoping to give them my best!
My specialties include, but are not limited to: Pain, Psychosomatic Disorders, Immunological Disorders and Internal Diseases.
PhD (c) Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing, China (南京中醫藥大學)
- Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Five Branches University, Graduate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, San Jose, California (加州五系中醫藥大學)
- Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine, Austin, TX